Books that I read in 2019

 · 1 min read
 · Hisham Najam

In 2019, I gave reading book an energetic re-visit and tried to develop a habit of reading. One page or five, I just wanted to add reading a physical book to my habit and it worked!

So, I was able to complete my long awaited Book, Factfulness by Hans Rosling. I knew it was going to change the my perspective on things, and boy oh boy it did.

To summarize Factfulness in a sentence, Develop a habit of backing up your opinions with Facts, rather than subjective thoughts and your gut feelings.

I was fortunate enough to be recommended another book by the author of Factfulness, its called Predictably Ir-Rational, by Dan Ariely. The book has some very good experiments revealing some of the ir-rational decisions that our brain takes even with us fully aware that we are in control. It uncovers how in some ways we can be primed to take a specific decision, which fall flat on rationality. Our most informed decisions can be influenced by things as ir-rational as just taking a look at a picture or hearing or reading words about something completely unrelated.

You can learn about it by searching for terms like Anchor-pricing, the cost of Zero, and Arbitrary Coherence. This might be enough to lure you into reading the book.