Riding a Bike

 · 1 min read
 · Hisham Najam

I recently acquired a hand-me-down bike from a family friend who had one standing in his garage for a couple of months. It was in a sorry condition, but I decided to revive it to its almost former glory, instead of buying a new one.

It took 2 days for the bicycle shop to repair it. Almost all the components were broken. Brakes- missing, Gears shifters- missing, a pedel- missing, and a whole lot of wear and tear of the bearings and gears.

Finally, when I was informed by the shop that the bike was ready, I was joyous. I hurried to the shop that day and took the bike for a ride.

After almost 2-3 months of not riding a bike, it was a bit cumbersome. I re-kindled my love for biking while I was visitng Sweden for a small office trip. However, my experience in my own town was a bit tiring. Its a hilly terrain and there is hardly a level road. Each turn was a roller coaster ride downwards and a hurculean effort back. So much for a healthy pleasure activity.

Me Biking

Now, I usually put my bike in the trunk of my car, drive to any park on a weekend, and ride it there. Its a bit of an effort to fight off procrastination, wrestle with the bike to fit in the car's trunk, and ride off to any park nearby. But it sure is wholesome!